Bruton Bianca 6x 750ml


Light, pallid and opalescent, produced using raw spelt and wheat. It is slightly acid and lightly spiced. Perfect with fresh goat’s cheese, burrata, and fish crudités, pinzimoni or simply as an aperitif. 6 x 750ml (4.5% ABV)


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Light, pallid and opalescent, produced using raw spelt and wheat. It is slightly acid and lightly spiced. Perfect with fresh goat’s cheese, burrata, and fish crudités, pinzimoni or simply as an aperitif. 6 x 750ml (4.5% ABV)


Light, pallid and opalescent, produced using raw spelt and wheat. It is slightly acid and lightly spiced. Perfect with fresh goat’s cheese, burrata, and fish crudités, pinzimoni or simply as an aperitif. 6 x 750ml (4.5% ABV)


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Bruton Bianca 12x 330ml
Bruton Golden Ale 6x 750ml